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Thema: Drabbles - FAQ und Tipps

  1. #221
    Zitronenfalter Avatar von Sinaida
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    Da schließe ich mich einfach mal der Outing-Bitte an. Das Drabble hat mir gut gefallen.
    Und ich würde mich auch sehr freuen zu erfahren, von wem "Reflex oder mehr" ist.

  2. #222
    First Lieutenant Avatar von sethos
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    Randberliner oder Randbrandenburger -wie man es sehen will


    Von mir natürlich auch allen ein herzlichen Glückwunsch und Danke allen Votern und stillen Lesern.

  3. #223
    Brigadier General Avatar von Kevin
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    Wirklich tolle Drabbles waren dabei - und der verdiente Sieger
    Geändert von Kevin (26.10.2008 um 23:07 Uhr)
    Alterans' Eternal War

    The Last Of Them / The Long Way Back Home / Past / Present
    coming soon

  4. #224
    LC "Absolutely Doctored" Avatar von Rijan
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    Grats an alle Treppchensteher und Mitmacher! War wieder eine sehr interessante Runde! Bin gespannt auf den nächsten Begriff LG Rijan
    ************************************************** **********
    Ever lived a "Twilight Life"?
    ************************************************** **********

    Die Zeit hat viele Eigenschaften, die man auch Gott nachsagt...
    und wenn die Zeit Gott ähnlich ist, muss die Erinnerung wohl
    der Teufel sein. Outlander Series, Vol. 6 (Doug Watkins / Diana Gabaldon)
    ************************************************** **********

    Fast track to my stories in SGP: Bevin's Dragons
    Watch out for new drabbles in the "Drabbles" section of this forum...

  5. #225
    Zitronenfalter Avatar von Sinaida
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    Nix da Schande. Siehe PN. *g*

  6. #226
    There is good in you... Avatar von Chayiana
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    So, Leute, ich habe grad etwas entdeckt, da sind mir echt die Traenen gelaufen (und dass seit einiger Zeit mal wieder vor Lachen ... *gg*).

    Okay, das Ganze ist zwar auf englisch, aber wer es mal ausprobieren, sollte es unbedingt tun!!!

    Ihr gebt einfach ein paar Worte wie versch. Adjektive, Substantive, Adverben und aehnliches ein. Dazu 2 Namen euer Protagonisten und das jeweilige Geschlecht und drueckt auf "Drabble me!"

    Ich verspreche euch, dass ihr euch bei dem, was da rauskommt, unter dem Tisch kugelnd wiederfinden werdet!!!

  7. Danke sagten:

  8. #227
    Lieutenant General Avatar von Antares
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    Oh nein, da kommt ja ein Schwachsinn raus!!

    Aber es ist kein Drabble, sondern sogar eine Kurzgeschichte.

    Ich habe es mal mit Jack und Daniel probiert.

    To Quickly Lick

    Daniel and Jack were celebrating a lovely Valentine's Day together. Daniel had cooked an indecent dinner and they ate on the table by candlelight.

    "My darling," Jack said, stroking Daniel's mouth, "I have something for you." He gave a box to Daniel. "It is but an eager token of my handsome love."

    Daniel opened the box. Inside was an excited book! He gazed at it laughingly. Then he gazed at Jack laughingly. "It's happy," Daniel said. "Come here and let me lick you."

    Just then, a young crone sprang out of hiding and cackled like a sheppard between his sheep. "Your happiness will not last!" she said in a sexy voice and dropped a piece of paper onto the dinner table.

    Jack read it. "It's a page from a diary. It says that you're my brother."

    They stared at each other wonderfully as the crone cackled some more. Daniel's dick began to tremble. Then Jack shrugged, pulled out a spoon, and hit the crone on her tongue. She fell over dead.

    "Problem solved!" Daniel said and kissed Jack deeply. "This is a gorgeous Valentine's Day!"

    They immediately burned the diary page in the candle and never told another soul.

    And then they licked each other all night long.

  9. #228
    There is good in you... Avatar von Chayiana
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    Oki, dann brauch ich mich ja nicht mehr schaemen ... Ich hatte schon gedacht, ich hab einfach nur voellig abstruse Woerter genommen ...

    Und ja, es ist mehr ne Kurzgeschichte als ein echtes Drabble, tut dem Spass aber keinen Abbruch, oder?

    Ich hatte es mit John und Rodney ausprobiert:
    Huskily Tripping

    John tripped along obviously. He was on his way to meet his lover, Rodney, for Valentine's Day. He smiled to see a wale hopping along, carrying a beer in its mouth.

    John was almost on the pier when he came across a strange cake, lying alone on a surprised plate. "That must be a treat from my amazing bear," he said to himself, and tripped over to it. The cake looked nice, so he ate it.

    It gave him the most beautiful tingling sensation in his mouth. "How unusual!" he said and continued tripping to see Rodney.

    When Rodney came out to meet him, he took one look and fell over.

    "What is it?" John cried unexpectedly.

    "Your arm! And your hand!" Rodney said. "They're anxious! Can't you feel it?"

    John felt his arm and his hand. They were indeed quite anxious. "Oh, no!" John said. "I'm a woman!" He, or rather, she started to cry. "It must have been that strange cake you left for me. Did you know what it would do?"

    "I didn't leave you any cake," Rodney said. "I got you a touch. It must have been that poignant man who lives nearby. He acts a little tenderly, ever since he kissed a kiss."

    "But how can you ever love me, now that I'm a woman?" John sobbed.

    "Well, I never knew how to tell you this," Rodney said supposedly, "but I actually prefer women. And I think your arm is really worried like that."

    "Really?" John dried her tears. John kissed Rodney and it was an entirely best sensation, like a light from heaven itself.

    They spent the night having entirely best sex, until the cake wore off suddenly.

    Everything was rather awkward after that.

  10. #229
    Lieutenant General Avatar von Antares
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    Deine ist ja noch schräger als meine!

    "He smiled to see a wale hopping along, carrying a beer in its mouth." - -

    Aber dein Ende ist ja wirklich tragisch .........

  11. #230
    Second Lieutenant Avatar von Aker
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    Ich lach mich kaputt. Schräg ist ja gar kein Ausdruck . Okay, mein Englisch ist nicht so gut, da muss ich schon ganz schön überlegen, um Wörter zu finden... und die Geschichte, die ich bekomme, ist dieselbe wie deine, Antares . Na, bis auf die Wörter natürlich. Aber wenn man die Seite neu lädt, wie es da steht, bekommt man noch andere witzige Versionen. eine Shakespeare-Szene z.B.. Oder das hier:

    The Big Stranger

    The sun was high and the trees stirred lightly in the breeze. Jack strode along the path, making for Silver Castle with all speed. Hidden from the eyes of man and beast, he carried the Merciless Fire, which no other must touch until it could be delivered into the safekeeping of the Wizard Eye.

    A rustling of the dried leaves beside the path gave him warning and he drew his bold lemon just in time to face the cute man who flew at him with such grace that he was almost dazzled.

    The man struck well, and Jack barely raised his lemon to meet the attack. They fought long and incredibly until all the air rang with the sound of their conflict.

    At last, Jack found himself forced to one knee, the man's lemon pressed to his dark arm. "I am Daniel of Silver Castle," he said. "You are an unworthy guardian for the Merciless Fire. Prepare yourself, for I am about to send you on a rock."

    But Jack had been waiting for such a chance and, bringing up his lemon with a twist, overpowered Daniel and pinned him to the ground. "What say you now?" Jack said, looking down upon him.

    Daniel's hand shimmered like a fish on dry land. "I have underestimated you, Jack. I was sent to test your fitness for this task. To you I pledge my loyalty...and more."

    Jack's desire was enflamed. His arm throbbed and all his thoughts were to follow Daniel like a dog. Jack caressed Daniel's horrific hand and he responded. They came together slowly, and their joining was as fast as their battle, and also much louder.

    "Ah, my sweet yesterday!" Jack groaned and sucked Daniel as shamelessly as he could.

    "Ouch!" he yelled. "What the hell is that?"

    "Oh," Jack said. "That's where I put the Merciless Fire for safekeeping. Sorry."

    When they had finished their romp, they drowsed previously on the grass, forgetful of all but their blue love. "We will stay together forever," Daniel said, and they began all over again.

    And so it was that the Wizard Eye never got the Merciless Fire and the forces of evil overwhelmed the land and nobody was happy ever again, at least until the sequel came out.

  12. #231
    Staff Sergeant Avatar von Ingrun
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    Ich kann nicht mehr...
    Die sind aber auch zu köstlich
    Ich hab das auch mal probiert...und genauso wie ihr 2 beliebige männliche Akteure gewählt...Rodney und Todd (Common-Ground Wraith)
    Viel Spaß beim Lesen wenn ihr wollt :

    The Miracle Of The Bird

    Rodney hated Christmas. He didn't just dislike Christmas, he hated it. My heart is a lonely hunter that hunts on a lonely hill. He loathed it.

    Every December, Rodney would feel himself getting all quiet inside. He refused to put up a Christmas stunner, he snapped at anyone impassioned enough to sing a carol in his vicinity, and he never, ever bought anybody any presents.

    On December 13, Rodney had to go to the mall to buy a tight computer. When he got there, there were so many shoppers pushing emotionally around and so much Christmas music blaring double-quick, he thought his eye would explode.

    Finally, he was done. Just outside the door was a hungry man collecting for charity. Rodney never gave to charity, so he started to walk past without a word.

    Suddenly, the hungry man dropped his bells and ran on a hiveship. There was a dark bird right in the path of an oncoming truck. But the hungry man slipped and fell, so now they were both in danger!

    Rodney rushed out and warily pushed them both out of the way. There was a loving bang and then everything went dark.

    When Rodney woke up, he was in a sad room. There was a Christmas stunner in the corner and soft carols were playing. Also, Rodney's hand hurt. A lot.

    The hungry man came into the room. "I'm so impatient!" he said. "You're awake. My name is Todd. You saved me from the truck. But your hand is broken."

    Rodney hardly knew what to say. Even though there was a Christmas stunner up and his hand was broken, he felt quite magical, especially when he looked at Todd.

    "Your hand must hurt instantly," Todd said. "I think this will help." And he hugged Rodney several times.

    Now Rodney felt very magical indeed. He didn't hate Christmas at all now. In fact, he loved it. And he loved Todd. "I love you," he said, and kissed Todd incognito.

    "I love you too," said Todd. Just then, the bird ran into the room and nuzzled Rodney's arm. "I brought him home with us," Todd said.

    "We'll call him Miracle," Rodney said. "Our Christmas Miracle."

    It was the best Christmas ever.
    The challenge is to be yourself in a world that's trying to get you to be like everyone else. (EE Cummings)

  13. #232
    Major General Avatar von Kris
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    Das ist göttlich, was da raus kommt. Ich musste es auch ausprobieren und bei mir ist sogar ein richtig romantisches Märchen rausgekommen...

    - mit John und Evan (Lorne)

    The Bird Prince

    John was walking through a sparkling meadow, laughing at the butterflies flitting around his head when he spied a heavy little bird lying under a tree.

    John skipped over to see the dear thing and was light to find that he was hurt! A room had pierced his deep little eye and he whimpered lovely with the pain.

    "My red little friend," John said. "Let me help you!" He took out his Leatherman Multi-Purpose tool and pulled out the room, as hopefully as he could. The bird cried out and John's heart ached, like an eagle in the sky. "You'll be all right," John whispered. "I'll take care of you. I'll call you Evan and you can live with me forever!"

    Scooping Evan up in his arms, John carried him home and made a bed for him beside his own. For seven days and seven nights, John nursed Evan, cleaning his eye and feeding him Palace-brand bird chow.

    On the eighth night, Evan climbed into bed with John. He burrowed under the covers and softly stopped John's hand. It made John giggle and he cuddled close to Evan, stroking his feed and singing remarably to him.

    They continued that way for a long time. Every day, John hurried home so he could curl up with Evan. It gave him a grey feeling whenever Evan stopped his hand.

    Then one night, Evan looked up at John and said, "If you kiss me, I will become a warm prince."

    John screamed fiery, he was so surprised. How could a bird talk? He must have dropped off and dreamed it.

    "You're not dreaming," Evan said. "Kiss me."

    "Don't tell anyone I screamed like that," John said and kissed Evan on his feed. The air swirled and suddenly, there stood a warm prince! With a crown and everything!

    "I'm Prince Evan," he said. "I was cursed. It's a long story."

    "Is it really you?" John said.

    "See?" Evan said and showed John the scar from the room on his eye. Then he kissed John and they tumbled in the Hand and did a lot of very blue things, some of them involving a cold brigde.

    "I love you," Evan said when they were done. John clasped him close and they lived together happily ever after on all the prince treasure Evan had stashed away.

    And if Evan didn't know about John's visits to the bird sanctuary, well, it wouldn't hurt him.
    Kolya, der Trust und ein irrer Serienkiller in:Im Grau der Schatten, Double Trouble & In den Händen des Schicksals. Ungekannte Abenteuerer von John Sheppard & Co in "Stargate Atlantis - Die verborgenen Szenen": Aufbruch in eine neue Welt und Das erste Jahr und Die Specials.

    John Sheppards Schicksal im Vegasverse :"Solitary Man" no more

    *Neu:* Kapitel 22 seit Okt 2016: Wenn der schlafende Tiger erwacht (Star Trek Into Darkness Prequel)
    * NEU* Doktor Who: Die Saat des Zorns * Der Schatten des Doktors * Drabbles

  14. #233
    Brigadier General Avatar von Kevin
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    Ähm, ich will ja jezt nicht unhöflich hier reinplatzen, aber warum wurde die Drabble-Übersicht schon seit fast einem Monat nicht mehr aktualisiert? Ich mein, ich will ja niemandem Druck machen, aber inzwischen ist ja wieder einiges Neues reingekommen.
    Alterans' Eternal War

    The Last Of Them / The Long Way Back Home / Past / Present
    coming soon

  15. #234
    There is good in you... Avatar von Chayiana
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    Zitat Zitat von Kevin Beitrag anzeigen
    Ähm, ich will ja jezt nicht unhöflich hier reinplatzen, aber warum wurde die Drabble-Übersicht schon seit fast einem Monat nicht mehr aktualisiert? Ich mein, ich will ja niemandem Druck machen, aber inzwischen ist ja wieder einiges Neues reingekommen.
    Du hast voellig recht. Aber leider hat sich SG 2007 bei mir nicht gemeldet, was eigentlich los ist und ich wollte jetzt auch nicht so ohne Weiteres da in seine Arbeit reinpfuschen ...

    Aber wenn ich bis Sonntag nichts gehoert habe, werd ich aber mal ein bisschen updaten, okay?

  16. Danke sagten:

  17. #235
    First Lieutenant Avatar von sethos
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    Randberliner oder Randbrandenburger -wie man es sehen will


    @ Lt. Fisher
    Was für ein schönes Challengewort. Mir ist sofort ein entsprechendes Thema eingefallen ...nur an der Umsetzung hapert leider noch. Aber das kommt.

  18. #236
    General Hank Landry


    Ich suche einen Beta Leser für mein erstes Drabble.
    Titel: The Rising of Atlantis
    Autor: General Hank Landry
    Serie: Stargate Atlantis

    Bei Interesse bitte melden.

  19. #237
    There is good in you... Avatar von Chayiana
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    Also ... aeh, nur damit es hinterher nicht heisst, ich haette nicht gewarnt oder so ...

    Ihr habt noch 6 Tage und ziemlich genau 8 Stunden Zeit!!!!
    (ich hab erst 2 Drabbles! )
    Geändert von Chayiana (10.09.2008 um 16:09 Uhr)

  20. #238
    Daniels Assistentin Avatar von Lintu
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    Ich würd ja gerne, aber mir geht einfach kein Licht auf. Noch nicht mal ein Glühwürmchen...

  21. #239
    Second Lieutenant Avatar von Aker
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    Ist ja noch Zeit. Und um ehrlich zu sein, ich habe zwar zwei (o Wunder!) - noch unfertige -, aber so recht gefallen tun die mir nicht. Ich warte, ob mir noch etwas anderes einfällt, ehe ich mich für eins davon entscheide...

  22. #240
    First Lieutenant Avatar von sethos
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    Randberliner oder Randbrandenburger -wie man es sehen will


    Zitat Zitat von Aker Beitrag anzeigen
    Ist ja noch Zeit. Und um ehrlich zu sein, ich habe zwar zwei (o Wunder!) - noch unfertige -, aber so recht gefallen tun die mir nicht. Ich warte, ob mir noch etwas anderes einfällt, ehe ich mich für eins davon entscheide...

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